尊敬的用户,欢迎您使用“Solar Point APP”软件(公司网址:www.spo.cn)。
您使用或继续使用Solar Point APP服务,即意味着您同意我们按照本政策收集、储存、使用和分享您的个人信息。
1. 个人信息:个人信息是以电子或者其他方式记录的与已识别或者可识别的自然人有关的各种信息,不包括匿名化处理后的信息。
2. 敏感个人信息:是一旦泄露或者非法使用,容易导致自然人的人格尊严受到侵害或者人身、财产安全受到危害的个人信息,包括生物识别、宗教信仰、特定身份等信息,以及不满十四周岁未成年人的个人信息。敏感信息在本政策中会做加粗加下划线提示。
3. 个人信息删除:指在实现日常业务功能所涉及的系统中去除个人信息的行为,使其保持不可被检索、访问的状态。
4. 我方平台:瑟度能源科技运营的包括但不限于Solar Point APP
5. 我方平台服务:我方基于互联网,以包含我方平台网站、客户端(含APP\APK\SDK\API方式),进行内容分发、信息网络传播、互联网音视频业务等方式在内的各种形态(包括未来技术发展出现的新的服务形态)向您提供的各项服务。
6. 我方平台规则:包括在所有我方Solar Point APP平台、客户端内已经发布及后续发布的全部规则、用户服务协议、解读、公告、其他内容以及各平台在频道、活动页面、帮助中心发布的各类规则、实施细则、产品说明、公告及各形式的平台规范。
(1) 本政策的适用范围
(2) 我们如何收集和使用个人信息
(3) 我们如何使用同类技术
(4) 数据安全措施
(5) 我们如何存储您的个人信息
(6) 我们如何保护您的个人信息
(7) 您如何管理您的个人信息
(8) 未成年使用条款
(9) 隐私政策的修订和通知
(10) 我们的声明
(11) 联系我们
本政策适用于 Solar Point APP所有功能和服务。光点的其他产品和服务将使用相关产品或服务的隐私政策。
Solar Point APP在您同意为前提的情况下,仅会根据您使用的功能和服务,出于本政策所述的如下目的收集和使用您的个人信息:
2.1 当您注册账户时,为成为我们的注册用户,以便我们为您提供注册用户会员服务,您需要提供手机号码或者邮箱,并在Solar Point APP内自行设置密码。收集上述信息是用于为您提供账号登录服务以及保障您的账号安全,如您拒绝提供手机号码或者邮箱,您将无法完成注册和基本账户创建。
2.2 当您选择授权使用第三方账号登录时,我们会从第三方获取您共享的账号信息(如:头像、昵称、性别等信息)与您的Solar Point APP账号进行绑定用于快捷登录。
2.3 当您进行添加电站功能时,我们会根据您在软件安装和使用中的具体操作,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息(唯一设备识别码、设备类型)、设备所在位置相关信息(为了识别判断您所在地区的内容展示,需要收集您授权的GPS精准位置信息)。
2.4 当您使用电站监控功能时,我们将收集您添加的电站有关信息包括:电站名称、电站类型、电站状态、电站位置和实时发电量,以便您可以对电站进行管理。
2.5 当您使用用户管理功能时,您可能需要提供个人信息包括用户名、电话号码、邮箱和密码,以便你能够进行用户管理。
2.6 当您使用流量充值功能时,为确认交易状态及为您提供交付、售后与争议解决服务之目的,我们将收集您的平台账号信息及购买和支付记录,如果您需要开具发票,我们需要您的发票信息及接收发票的手机号或电子邮箱。
2.7 当您与我们客服联系时,我们可能会保存您的聊天记录和内容或您留下的联系方式以及您提供的其它信息,以便与您联系或帮助您解决问题,或记录相关问题的处理方案及结果。必要时,我们会需要您提供必要的个人信息以核验您的用户身份。
2.8 当您检测版本更新时,我们会读取您的应用安装列表,用于检测您的手机是否安装了相应的应用商城。
2.9 当您使用我们提供的功能和服务时,为了保障您的账号安全以及系统运行安全,我们将收集您的浏览、操作、搜索、点击等信息作为有关网络日志进行保存,其中包括您的设备信息(IDFA、操作系统、设备型号、设备制造商、系统版本、AndroidID、IMEI、 MAC 地址以及OAID编号)、账号信息、访问的日期和时间和IP地址。
2.1.0 App内置的移动安全联盟MSA SDK需要获取您的网络权限、设备信息(OAID)、 Android设备唯一标识,用于APP的信息安全加固。
App使用的数字天堂SDK 会获取您的设备信息(OAID),用于APP运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息)以提供统计分析服务。
APP收集oaid-sdk,用于Android设备唯一标识,Android设备唯一标识包含IMEI,ANDROID_ID,Mac地址以及OAID编号,加强对终端用户的隐私保护。详细请见Solar Point APP 第三方共享信息
2.1.1 为您调用权限提供其他附加服务,为向您提供服务,提升用户体验,我们在向您提供的附加服务中向您申请以下设备权限,并仅在您使用到相关功能时向您获取个人信息。
2.1.2 收集和使用您的个人信息的特别说明
2.1.3 应用框架
(1)我们的产品基于DCloud uni-app开发,应用运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息)以提供统计分析服务,并通过应用启动数据及异常错误日志分析改进性能和用户体验,为用户提供更好的服务。详情内容请访问《DCloud用户服务条款》。(DCloud用户服务条款超链至:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/protocol.html),
(3)uni-app框架会申请获取移动安全联盟 OAID,又称移动智能终端补充设备标识体系。移动智能终端补充设备标识体系与 SDK 严格遵守我国 《网络安全法》、《数据安全法》和《电信和互联网用户个人信息保护规定》等相关法律法规和《信息安全技术个人信息安全规范》等国家标准要求。 SDK 不会主动收集任何数据,只在 APP 调用时获取以下数据,用于本地判断,不会进行任何网络传输: 设备制造商、设备型号、设备品牌,用于判断终端调用接口 设备网络运营商名称,用于判断虚拟机环境APP 包名,用于校验签名。
1.为保障Solar Point APP相关功能的实现与应用安全稳定的运行,上海瑟度能源科技有限公司会接入第三方提供的软件开发包(SDK)实现相关目的。
uni-app SDK
信息获取:应用运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息)以提供统计分析服务。
3.APP 包名,用于校验签名;获取用户的OAID以便于实现个推,当师傅接单时,会给予通知栏里的提示,以便于师傅可以便捷的看见自己的单子。
信息获取:应用运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息)以提供统计分析服务。
① 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;
② 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;
③ 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行有关的;
④ 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人同意的;
⑤ 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;
⑥ 从合法公开披露的渠道中收集您的个人信息的,包括合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开渠道。
⑦ 根据与您签订和履行相关协议或其他书面文件所必需的;
⑧ 用于维护我们所提供的产品及/或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品及/或服务的故障;
⑨ 法律法规规定的其他情形。
如果您的移动设备缓存服务允许,您可接受或拒绝我们的缓存本地服务。但如果您拒绝这么做,在某些情况下可能会影响您使用Solar Point APP的功能,。
您可在移动设备找到Solar Point APP信息详情/应用详情/应用设置等,清除缓存数据。
4.1 数据加密
在传输和存储过程中,我们使用 SSL/TLS 等加密协议来确保数据的安全性。对登录、修改密码等重要信息RSA/AES加密算法,保护数据传输的安全性。
4.2 访问控制
4.3 定期安全审计
4.4 数据备份
4.5 数据匿名化
您的个人信息安全对于我们至关重要。我们将严格遵守相关法律法规,采取业内认可的合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。防止信息遭到未经授权的访问、披露、使用、修改,避免信息损坏或丢失。Solar Point APP将使用加密技术,例如传输层安全协议(TLS),在传输过程中保护您的个人数据。当我们储存您的个人数据时,我们使用的是具有有限访问权限的计算机系统,并且这些系统是部署在受物理安保措施保护的设施内。除此之外我们会不定期举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护个人数据重要性的认识。
7.1 访问个人信息
7.2 更正个人信息
7.3 注销个人信息
7.4 撤回已同意的授权
7.5 注销账户
为了您能及时接收到通知,建议您在您个人的联系方式更新时及时通知我们。如您在本政策更新生效后继续使用我们的服务,即代表您已充分阅读、理解并接受更新后的政策并愿意受更新后的政策约束。我们鼓励您在每次使用我们服务时都查阅本政策。您可以在Solar Point APP通过"我的-关于-隐私政策"中查看本政策。
如果您对隐私政策内容有任何疑问或建议,您可通过登录“Solar Point APP”客户端内的“用户反馈”或“客服”与我们联系。
Dear users, you are welcome to use the "Solar Point APP" software (company website: www.spo.cn).
This APP is owned and operated by Shanghai Sedu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Sedu Energy", "we", "us" or "our"). Before logging in and using the APP, you should carefully read and fully understand all the contents of the User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), especially the content displayed in bold font in this Agreement, and you should focus on reading. If you do not agree to this Agreement or any of its terms, please immediately stop logging in or using and logging out of the APP; When you start to log in or use the APP, it means that you have agreed to the content of this agreement, which constitutes a binding legal document for the user and Sedu Energy (collectively, the "parties").
your use or continued use of the Solar Point APP services means that you consent to our collection, storage, use and sharing of your personal information in accordance with this Policy.
1. Personal information: Personal information refers to all kinds of information related to an identified or identifiable natural person recorded electronically or by other means, excluding anonymized information.
2. Sensitive personal information: refers to personal information that, once leaked or illegally used, is likely to cause the personal dignity of a natural person to be violated or the personal or property safety to be endangered, including biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities and other information, as well as the personal information of minors under the age of 14. Sensitive information will be highlighted in bold and underlined in this Policy.
3. Deletion of personal information: refers to the act of removing personal information from the system involved in the realization of daily business functions, so that it cannot be retrieved or accessed.
4. Our platform: Operated by Cerdo Energy Technology, including but not limited to the Solar Point APP
5. Our platform services: We provide you with various services based on the Internet in various forms (including new service forms that will emerge from future technological development), including our platform website, client (including APP, APK, SDK, and API), content distribution, information network dissemination, Internet audio and video services, etc.
6. Our platform rules: including all rules, user service agreements, interpretations, announcements, and other contents that have been published and subsequently published on all our Solar Point APP platforms and clients, as well as various rules, implementation rules, product descriptions, announcements, and various forms of platform specifications published by each platform on channels, activity pages, and help centers.
this Privacy Policy helps you understand the following:
(1) Scope of application of this Policy
(2) How we collect and use personal information
(3) How we use similar technologies
(4) Data security measures
(5) How we store your personal information
(6) How we protect your personal information
(7) How you manage your personal information
(8) Terms of Use for Minors
(9) Revisions and Notices to Privacy Policies
(10) Our Notices
(11) Contact Us
1.Scope of application of this policy
This policy applies to all functions and services of the Solar Point APP. Other products and services of Lightpoint will use the privacy policy of the relevant product or service.
2. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
With your consent, Solar Point APP will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes as described in this Policy according to the functions and services you use
2.1 When you register an account, in order to become a registered user of us so that we can provide you with registered user membership services, you need to provide your mobile phone number or email address and set a password in the Solar Point APP. The above information is collected for the purpose of providing you with account login services and ensuring the security of your account, if you refuse to provide your mobile phone number or email address, you will not be able to complete the registration and basic account creation.
2.2 When you choose to authorize the use of a third-party account to log in, we will obtain your shared account information (such as profile picture, nickname, gender, etc.) from the third party and bind it to your Solar Point APP account for quick login.
2.3 When you add the power station function, we will receive and record the information about the device you use (unique device identification code, device type) and the location of the device according to your specific operations in the installation and use of the software (in order to identify and judge the content display in your area, we need to collect the precise GPS location information authorized by you).
2.4 When you use the power station monitoring function, we will collect the information you add about the power station, including the name of the power station, the type of the power station, the status of the power station, the location of the power station, and the real-time power generation capacity, so that you can manage the power station.
2.5 When you use the user management feature, you may be required to provide personal information including your username, phone number, email address, and password in order to enable you to manage users.
2.6 When you use the data recharge function, we will collect your platform account information and purchase and payment records for the purpose of confirming the transaction status and providing you with delivery, after-sales and dispute resolution services.
2.7 When you contact our customer service, we may save your chat history and content or the contact information you left and other information you provide in order to contact you or help you solve the problem, or record the handling plan and results of the related problem. If necessary, we will need you to provide the necessary personal information to verify your user identity.
2.8 When you check for a version update, we read a list of your app installs to check if your phone has the app store installed.
2.9 When you use the functions and services we provide, in order to ensure the security of your account and the security of system operation, we will collect your browsing, operation, search, click and other information as relevant network logs, including your device information (IDFA, operating system, device model, device manufacturer, system version, AndroidID, IMEI, MAC address and OAID number), account information, date and time of access, and IP address.
2.1.0 The MSA SDK built into the App needs to obtain your network permissions, device information (OAID), and unique Android device identifiers for information security hardening of the App.
Digital Paradise SDK used by the App will obtain your device information (OAID), which is used to collect your device unique identification code (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information) during the operation of the App to provide statistical analysis services.
app collects the oaid-sdk for the unique identifier of the Android device, which includes the IMEI, ANDROID_ID, Mac address and OAID number to enhance the privacy protection of end users. For more information, please see Solar Point APP Third-Party Shared Information
2.1.1 In order to provide you with additional services and improve user experience, we apply for the following device permissions from you in the additional services provided to you, and only obtain personal information from you when you use the relevant functions.
camera/camera permissions
Business scenario: Add component information
Purpose of collection: The user adds the barcode information of the component, and enters it manually or quickly scans the code
Collection method: user input, automatic identification
Personal Information Field: QR code scanning data
location permissions
Business scenario: Add power station information and offline network distribution
Purpose of collection: The user adds the power station information, obtains the current location for the user to add quickly, automatically obtains the user's authorization to use, and offline distribution requires the user's authorization to obtain network information
Collection method: APP included
Personal Information Field: Longitude and latitude data
phone permissions
Business scenario: Contact us
Purpose of collection: The user contacts us for help, which requires the user to manually operate and authorize the use
Method of collection: User input
Personal Information Field: Call the official number
get the WiFi status
Business scenario: Configure a gateway on a local area network
Purpose: Configure gateway prompts for users' convenience
Collection method: APP included
Personal information fields: WiFi status, WiFi name
read the contents of the memory card
Business scenario: The user modifies the profile picture
Purpose of collection: The user uploads the avatar by himself, which needs to be manually operated and authorized by the user. Add component information and upload an image of the OCR failed module
Method of collection: User input
Personal Information Field: Allows the app to read photos, media content, and files on the memory card.
2.1.2 Special instructions on the collection and use of your personal information
(1) If the information you provide contains the personal information of other users, you need to ensure that you have obtained legal authorization before providing such personal information to us. If the personal information of minors is involved, you need to obtain the consent of the guardian of the corresponding minor before publication, and in the aforementioned circumstances, the guardian has the right to contact us through the channels in Article 9 of this Policy to request correction or deletion of the content involving the personal information of minors.
(2) If we use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this Policy, or if we exceed the scope of the purpose and that are directly or reasonably related to the purpose stated at the time of collecting your personal information, we will obtain your consent in advance.
(3) If we indirectly obtain your information from a third party (such as sharing it from a third party), we will explicitly request the third party in writing to share your personal information after obtaining your consent in accordance with the law before collection, and inform you of the type, purpose, and method of use, and the scope of authorization and consent of your personal information to be shared, and require the third party to make a commitment to the legality and compliance of the source of personal information. If there is a breach by a third party, we will expressly require the other party to bear the corresponding legal responsibility. At the same time, our professional security team will strengthen the security of personal information (including sensitive information reporting, sensitive information encryption storage, and access control permissions). We will protect the personal information we have obtained indirectly with the same means and measures as we do with the personal information of our own users.
2.1.3 applies the framework
(1)Our product is developed based on DCloud uni-app, and your device unique identification code (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information) needs to be collected during application operation to provide statistical analysis services, and improve performance and user experience through application startup data and abnormal error log analysis, so as to provide users with better services. For more information, please visit the DCloud User Terms of Service. (DCloud User Terms of Service hyperlink to: https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/protocol.html),
(2) Uni-app integrates the Alibaba weex SDK by default, which is used to render the nvue page engine of uniapp, store personal files, read external storage, and write external storage (weex user terms of service hyperlink to: http://doc.weex.io/zh).
(3) The uni-app framework will apply for access to the Mobile Security Alliance OAID, also known as mobile intelligent terminal supplementary equipment identification system. The mobile intelligent terminal supplementary equipment identification system and SDK strictly abide by China The Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, the Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Specification and other national standards. The SDK does not actively collect any data, only in the app The following data is obtained when calling, which is used for local judgment and will not be transmitted over any network: Device manufacturer, device model, and device brand, which are used to determine the terminal call interface The name of the device network operator, which is used to determine the APP package name of the virtual machine environment, and is used to verify the signature.
1. In order to ensure the realization of the relevant functions of the Solar Point APP and the safe and stable operation of the application, Shanghai Sedu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. will access the software development kit (SDK) provided by the third party to achieve related purposes.
2. Shanghai Sedu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. will conduct strict security monitoring of the software tool development kit (SDK) for the information obtained by the partner to protect the security of personal information.
3. Shanghai Sedu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. lists the relevant third-party SDKs for access in the catalog.
uni-app SDK
Third party: Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd
Information involved: We may provide your device platform, device manufacturer, device brand, device identification code, unique device identification number (ANDROID_ID) and other device information, software installation list information, network information and location-related information to Daily Interactive Co., Ltd. for the purpose of providing you with message push technical services. When we push messages to you, we may authorize Daily Interactive Co., Ltd. to adjust the link and promote the closed SDK push process to each other, so as to ensure that you can receive the messages we push to you in a timely manner. In addition, to ensure the uniqueness of the CID and improve the stability and accuracy of message push, you need to grant storage permissions (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) and device permissions (READ_PHONE_STATE).
Purpose of use: To provide device identification and push services
Partner: Daily Interactive Co., Ltd
Collection method: SDK collection
Partner's official website link: https://www.getui.com/
Link to Privacy Policy: https://docs.getui.com/privacy/
AutoNavi Open Platform Positioning SDK
Third party: AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd
Purpose of use: positioning, map display
Scenario: Create a power station or modify a power station
Types of personal information collected: WLAN status information, location information, sensor information, and unique identifiers of terminal devices
Collection method: Collected locally by the SDK and does not involve data sharing
Link to Privacy Policy: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/
MSA Mobile Security Alliance SDK
Third Party Entity: MSA
Purpose: To improve performance and user experience through application startup data and abnormal error log analysis, and provide users with better services.
Information acquisition: During the operation of the application, it is necessary to collect your device unique identification code (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information) to provide statistical analysis services.
Link to Privacy Policy: https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/protocol.html
Third Party: OAID
Purpose of use: For the unique identification of Android devices.
Information acquisition: The unique identifier of the Android device includes IMEI, ANDROID_ID, Mac address and OAID number to enhance the privacy protection of end users.
Link to Privacy Policy: http://www.msa-alliance.cn/col.jsp?id=120
Digital Paradise SDK
Third Party Entity: Digital Paradise
Purpose of use:
1.The device manufacturer, device model, and device brand are used to determine the terminal call interface
2.The name of the device network operator, which is used to determine the virtual machine environment
3.APP package name, which is used to verify the signature; Obtain the user's OAID in order to facilitate the implementation of individual push, and when the master receives the order, a prompt in the notification bar will be given, so that the master can easily see his own order.
Information acquisition: During the operation of the application, it is necessary to collect your device unique identification code (IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA, SIM card IMSI information) to provide statistical analysis services.
Link to Privacy Policy: http://www.msa-alliance.cn/col.jsp?id=122
an exception to the authorization consent
you fully understand and agree that, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we do not need your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information under the following circumstances
:(1) related to national security, national defense and security;
(2) related to public safety, public health, or major public interests;
(3) in connection with criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of sentences;
(4) For the purpose of protecting the major legal rights and interests of your life, property or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
(5) Personal information that you disclose to the public;
(6) Collecting your personal information from lawful and publicly disclosed channels, including lawful news reports and government information disclosure channels.
(7) as necessary to enter into and perform an agreement or other written document with you;
(8) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services we provide, such as detecting and disposing of product and/or service failures;
(9) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
3.How do we use similar technologies
1. Data localization cache
we store local cached data on your mobile device or other local storage provided by the associated application, which typically contains identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. We and our third-party partners may collect and use your information with the help of similar technologies and store that information.
you can accept or decline our caching local service if your mobile device caching service allows. However, if you refuse to do so, it may affect your ability to use the functionality of the Solar Point APP in some cases.
It may also be necessary to change user settings each time you visit our website 2In addition to data caching, we also use similar technologies on mobile devices to collect and use your personal information. The user sets information such as language, service selection, nickname, etc.
3.Clear/disable cached data
you can clear the cache data by finding Solar Point APP information details/application details/app settings, etc. on your mobile device.
4. Data security measures
4.1 Data Encryption
We use encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS during transmission and storage to ensure the security of data. RSA/AES encryption algorithm for important information such as login and password modification to protect the security of data transmission.
4.2 Access Control
Only authorized employees and partners have access to your personal information, and all access is subject to authentication and permission review.
4.3 Periodic security audits
We regularly conduct security audits and risk assessments to ensure the security and compliance of our data processing processes.
4.4 Data Backup
Back up user data regularly to prevent data loss or corruption.
4.5 Data Anonymization
When conducting data analysis, we will anonymize personal information to protect user privacy.
5. How we store your personal information
In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we store the information obtained from the territory of the People's Republic of China within the territory of the People's Republic of China. At present, we will not transfer the above information overseas, and if cross-border data is transferred, we will comply with relevant national regulations or obtain your consent. We will store your personal information until you delete your account/account data or you request the deletion of your personal data, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.
6. How we protect your personal information
The security of your personal information is important to us. We will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and take reasonable and feasible measures recognized by the industry to protect your personal information. Prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of information. The Solar Point APP will use encryption technology, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), to protect your personal data during transmission. When we store your personal data, we use computer systems with limited access and these systems are deployed in facilities that are protected by physical security measures. In addition, we will hold security and privacy protection training courses from time to time to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal data.
You need to be aware and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing passwords regularly, and not disclosing your account password and related personal information to others.
In order to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, we have formulated a proper early warning mechanism and emergency plan. In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will notify you in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident in a timely manner by email, push notification, etc., and if it is difficult to inform users one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to make an announcement.
7. Personal Information
7.1 Access to Personal Information
You have the right to access your profile picture, username, mobile phone number, email address and other basic information. Go to [My - Settings - Account Security] to query and access.
7.2 Correction of Personal Information
You have the right to correct your profile picture, username, mobile phone number, email address and other basic information. Go to [Me-Settings-Account Security] to operate.
7.3 Cancellation of Personal Information
If you want to cancel your account, you can go to Me > Settings > Account Security > Cancel Account. After the account is cancelled, we will stop providing you with products and services, and delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
7.4 Withdrawal of consent
In the process of providing services, we need you to grant us some device permissions, such as notifications, photo albums, cameras, Bluetooth, etc. You can refuse to allow us to collect your personal information at any time by turning off some or all of the permissions in the settings of your device. The way permissions are displayed and disabled differently on different devices and systems, please refer to the instructions and guidelines of the device and system developer for details.
7.5 Account Closure
After you cancel your account, you will no longer be able to log in and use our products and services with that account. In addition, all rights and interests such as unconsumed rights and interests and expected future benefits generated by the account during the use of our products and services will be cleared; The content, information, data, and records under the account will be deleted or anonymized, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise required by regulatory authorities; Once your account is cancelled, it cannot be restored.
If you still decide to cancel your account after careful consideration, you can submit a cancellation application to us on the relevant function settings page of our products and/or services you use or according to the operation guidelines, for example, you can submit an account cancellation application on the "Cancel Account" page ("My - Settings - Account and Security - Cancel Account"). If the application is not successful, you can also contact our platform customer service, and we will reply to your request within 15 working days. After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services.
8. Terms of Use for Minors
If you are under the age of eighteen, you should obtain consent and guidance from your parent or guardian to ensure the proper use of our products and services.
9. Revisions and Notices to the Privacy Policy
This Policy may be amended from time to time, and after the Agreement is amended, the revised content will be published on the relevant page or in other appropriate ways. In accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we will list the previous version of this Policy on our official website for your convenience. If you do not agree to the modification of this Agreement, please immediately stop using the Platform or cancel the services you have obtained; If you choose to continue to access or use the Platform or Services after this Policy has been modified, you agree to be bound by the updated Privacy Policy and its related policies.
You understand that the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy signed between you and Sedo Energy Technology do not fully cover all the rights and obligations of you and Sedu Energy Technology regarding personal information. Therefore, other statements and rules issued by Sedu Energy Technology are regarded as supplementary terms of this Policy, which are an integral part of this Policy and have the same legal effect as this Agreement.
In order for you to receive timely notifications, we recommend that you notify us when your personal contact information is updated. If you continue to use our services after the update of this Policy takes effect, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the updated Policy and are willing to be bound by the updated Policy. We encourage you to review this Policy each time you use our Services. You can view this policy in the Solar Point APP via "My-About-Privacy Policy".
We are very grateful for the opportunity to provide you with products and services. Since the establishment of Lightpoint, it has always been our service tenet to win and maintain your trust in us. We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy and personal information you provide, and we hope that you will understand our privacy protection policy, including how your personal information is collected, used and disclosed.
We have designated a dedicated team to manage the protection of your personal information, including systems, dispute resolution, training, liaison, etc., and report directly to the Board of Directors and the General Manager on matters related to privacy protection.
11. Contact us
If you have any questions or suggestions about the content of the Privacy Policy, you can contact us by logging in to the "User Feedback" or "Customer Service" in the "Solar Point APP" client.
You can also inform Shanghai Sdo Energy Technology Co., Ltd. of your problem through the following channels:
Phone: 021-54845001
E-Mail: service@spo.cn
Address: No.852 Jiangzhi Rd, Shanghai 201114, China
In general, we will reply within fifteen working days.
Version updated on March 28, 2024
Effective date: March 28, 2024